Frugal Money Saving Tips to Prepare for the Holidays

9 September 19

Money Saving Tips

While money isn’t going to come to you out of thin air, there are a few ways that you can save some money to have precisely what you need come the holidays. Check out a few of these money saving tips and see which are most likely to help you out at home.

Making Coffee At Home

Running out to get a coffee each morning may not seem like a big expense, until you add up just how much you spend on it each week, month, or year. If you were to buy yourself a pound of specialty coffee each month and make it at home, you would save quite a bit of money and still have the specialty drinks you prefer. Even going out and spending a few dollars on cups that will keep your coffee warm is still a lower expense than it is to buy a cup each day on your way to work.

Lowering Utility Bills

Many people do not pay attention to how much they spend on utilities each month. Between leaving a light on when leaving a room and leaving the television on for noise, most people are wasting money on utility bills every day. Take steps to lower the utility bills in your home. This can include adding plastic and weather stripping to your windows to keep the heat in, lowering your heat a degree or two during the winter to keep costs down, or even putting a half gallon jug of water into the tank of your toilet to decrease the amount of water spent with each flush, all of these tips can save you money that can be used to indulge in your holiday expenses.

Shop Early

One of the best money saving tips is to do as much of your shopping as early as possible. The sales you can find earlier in the year can quickly add up when compared to the prices you will be expected to pay during holiday time. Watch for sales and browse through your local ads during the year and buy things you know you will want to get those special people in your life. If you find decorations on sale after the holiday season is over, buy them as well. This can cut the amount you spend next year on decorating in half and save you more money to buy other holiday essentials. How to get installment loans online?

Don’t Bring Plastic

This may sound like an odd money saving tip, but there is a reason for it. Most people, when they go shopping with their credit cards, are more apt to buy something on an impulse that they do not need. This is because they have the ability to buy it at their fingertips, without having to put the much thought into the purchase. Add in the interest, and if you forget when the due date is on your bill, you will have to add in the late fee you will have to pay on the item as well. You will end up spending more money on something you didn’t really need, making the entire purchase a lesson in impulse buying.

If you can stick to these tips, you will end up saving yourself extra money that you can use to buy the gifts and decorations you want this year. Not all money saving tips will save you a significant amount of money, but when you combine all of the tips, you can set aside a good portion of your holiday spending money before the holiday season even arrives.

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